Palais de l'impératrice An'png Kaitai Tianhou

An'png Kaitai Tianhou Palace
33, rue Guosheng, district d'Anping, ville de Tainan


Anping Kaitai Tianhou Temple is one of the largest temples in Anping District, Taiwan. It was first built in 1668. There is a spacious temple courtyard in front of the temple, with parking spaces, located next to Anping Fort. According to the "Fujian Chronicles of Kangxi" and "Taiwan Ancient and Modern Talks" by Su Tongbing, this temple is the earliest Mazu temple in Taiwan, dedicated to the goddess Mazu who was first welcomed from Meizhou. Today, it has become the center of faith in the Anping area and one of the main centers of Mazu worship in Taiwan. In addition, the temple is an important place established by the Zheng Chenggong fleet to protect the army when they recaptured Taiwan.
33, rue Guosheng, district d'Anping, ville de Tainan
Conduite autonome : Prenez la route nationale n°1, sortez à l'échangeur de Yongkang, et empruntez la route Gongyuan depuis le rond-point de la porte sud jusqu'à la route Minsheng (la route Anping passe, qui mène au temple Anpingkaitai). Continuez le long de la route Anping jusqu'à atteindre l'intersection avec la route Guosheng pour atteindre le temple Anping Kaitai.
Téléphone 06-223-8695