Parc national de Loagan Bunut
Loagan Bunut National Park
Taman Negara Loagan Bunut, 98150 Long Lama, Sarawak, Malaisie
Bukit Sarawan National Park is an inland natural lake located in Sarawak, with a unique ecosystem alternation. When the water level drops, flocks of wading birds feed on the fish in the lake. When the lake dries up, plants begin to sprout and insect larvae feed on these plants. When the rain returns and fills the lake, the fish feed on these larvae, creating a cycle in the ecosystem. Local fishermen from the Balawan tribe have invented a unique fishing method called "selambau," which is ideal for use in this area. The surrounding forests of different types make it a paradise for bird watching, with various animals such as swallows, storks, long-tailed macaques, and black-and-white leaf monkeys. Visitors can walk across the dried lake bed, but they must be guided by local guides to ensure safety. Boat trips can be arranged at the headquarters of the national park to enjoy the misty scenery, observe wading birds feeding on fish, and witness sunsets and bird watching. Boatmen can demonstrate the selambau fishing method, and tourists can buy fresh fish on the spot. There are also unique attractions such as the ancient Balawan burial platform (Klirieng). Adresse Taman Negara Loagan Bunut, 98150 Long Lama, Sarawak, Malaisie
Transport Le transport est assuré par des pêcheurs locaux de la baie de Bala, qui possèdent une connaissance approfondie de la région et sont familiers avec l'environnement ici. Ils sont également capables de parler anglais de base. Le tarif de location pour chaque bateau est de 60 RM par heure et peut accueillir 4 passagers. Chaque passager supplémentaire a des frais de location supplémentaires de 15 RM par heure.