La aldea de gatos de Houtong, Un paraíso donde los gatos reinan supremos

Monkey chess village
Hezhong, escalera, aldea de Guangfu, distrito de Ruifang, Nueva Ciudad de Taipei 224, Taiwán
Los gatos son realmente muchos


Hou Dou Village, also known as "Hou Dou Cat Street", is located in Ruifang District, New Taipei City, Taiwan. It is an ancient mountain village with old residential streets, centered around the Chailiao Road in Guangfu Village. Since being planned as a tourist attraction at the end of 2009, it has gained a reputation worldwide. The Hundred Cat Street is home to many cats, which have become unafraid of people due to their interactions with tourists, and some cats will even approach people voluntarily. At dusk, you can see a large group of cats gathering, which is an exciting scene. In March 2013, the newly constructed Cat Bridge, which looks like a coffee-colored cat, was built. It connects to the outer road of Guangfu Village and serves as a feeding platform for tourists. It is known as the first bridge for humans and cats to share in Taiwan. In addition to cats, Hou Dou has attracted many famous directors to shoot films here because of its strong mining cultural atmosphere, such as Director Wu Nien-jen's "Duo Sang" and "A-Zu's Son", and Director Hou Hsiao-hsien's "Dust in the Wind". Unlike other tourist attractions in the Ruifang district, Hou Dou gives people the feeling of tranquility rather than the level of commercialization. Its beautiful scenery and profound cultural heritage have earned it a good reputation worldwide.

Clasificación de visitas obligadas



Conducción propia
Hay un estacionamiento
Aparcamiento gratuito
Hezhong, escalera, aldea de Guangfu, distrito de Ruifang, Nueva Ciudad de Taipei 224, Taiwán
Tomar la línea de tren de Taiwán hasta la estación de Houdong (Houdong) para bajarse y llegar al destino.

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