Tour of 'The Theory of Everything' Filming Locations in Cambridge

The Cambridge locations featured in 'The Theory of Everything' include the place where Stephen Hawking and Jane meet on the campus of the University of Cambridge, as well as the city landmarks they frequently visited, such as Lincoln Bridge, Oxford Hall of the University of Cambridge, Cornwall Library of the University of Cambridge, Cambridge City Hall, and more. This film takes us back to Cambridge, England in 1963, immersing us in the beautiful love story of Hawking and Jane. Walking along the ancient streets of Cambridge, starting from Lincoln Bridge, enjoying the beautiful scenery of the University of Cambridge, passing through Oxford Hall, and finally entering Cambridge City Hall, one can truly feel the romantic atmosphere depicted in the movie. The Cambridge locations in 'The Theory of Everything' are the perfect spots used by the director to portray the love story of Hawking and Jane, allowing us to relive this beautiful romance.

Trinity Lane

Al comienzo de la película, un Hawking aún saludable, que era un joven inexperto, camina por el callejón.

New Court

Hawking invitó a Jane a ser su pareja de baile, y fueron juntos al famoso May Ball en la Universidad de Cambridge.

Puente de la Cocina

Hawking y su esposa eligieron este Puente de la Cocina, ubicado al suroeste del Puente de los Suspiros, para su primer beso.

Puente de los Suspiros, Cambridge

Esta es una escena donde Hawking compartió con Jane después de obtener la inspiración para la singularidad del comienzo del universo.

Río Cam

A Hawking le gustaba navegar en este río con sus amigos, saboreando la belleza de la vida.

St John's College

Hawking y Jane corrieron felizmente a las orillas del río Cam