Top 10 Must-Visit Attractions in Austria

One of the most popular tourist attractions in Austria is the Schönbrunn Palace, Hohensalzburg Fortress, Hofburg Palace, Salzburg Cathedral, and St. Stephen's Cathedral. The Schönbrunn Palace is located in the southwest of Vienna, the capital of Austria. It is a Baroque architectural masterpiece and was once the palace of the Holy Roman Empire, the Austrian Empire, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and the Habsburg dynasty. This article will introduce you to the top ten most popular tourist attractions in Austria, hoping to be helpful to you.

1. Schönbrunn Palace

Schönbrunn Palace (German: Schloss Schönbrunn), also transliterated as Schloß Schönbrunn, is located in the southwestern part of Vienna, the capital of Austria. It is a Baroque architectural masterpiece. It was once the imperial palace of the Holy Roman Empire, the Austrian Empire, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and the Habsburg dynasty. According to legend, in 1612, Holy Roman Emperor Matthias hunted in this area and enjoyed the spring water here, which was fresh and delicious. Therefore, the spring was named 'Schönbrunn' (meaning 'beautiful spring'), and the area was subsequently named after it. Today, Schönbrunn Palace is one of Vienna's most famous tourist attractions and has been listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

2. Hallstatt Lake

The town of Hallstatt is located in the Salzkammergut region of Upper Austria, near Hallstatt Lake, at an altitude of 511 meters. As of December 2005, the town had 923 residents, and by 2015, the population had increased to 1,221 residents. The name 'Hallstatt' may derive from the ancient Celtic word 'Hall,' meaning 'salt,' due to the presence of salt mines in the area, which historically brought wealth to the region. Therefore, Hallstatt is also known as 'the most beautiful small town in the world' or 'the oldest salt town in the world.'

3. Hofburg Palace

The Hofburg Palace is the palace of the Habsburg dynasty in Austria, located in the center of Vienna. From 1275 to 1913, the palace underwent multiple constructions and expansions, eventually forming its current layout, which includes 18 wings, 19 courtyards, and 2500 rooms, resembling a vast labyrinth. The palace is built according to the terrain and is divided into two parts: the Upper Palace and the Lower Palace, each with its own garden. The Upper Palace is the place for imperial offices, receiving distinguished guests, and hosting grand events, while the Lower Palace is the residential area for the royal family.

4. Salzburg Cathedral

Salzburg Cathedral (German: Salzburger Dom) is the largest church in Salzburg, Austria. Built in the 17th century, it is a Baroque architecture. As the most important religious building in Salzburg's old town, Salzburg Cathedral is the center of Catholicism in the city. The earliest construction of the cathedral dates back to AD 774, during the time of Saint Virgil (745-784). Since its completion, the cathedral has been closely connected with the papacy and the nobility.

5. St. Stephen's Cathedral

St. Stephen's Cathedral is a famous building on Vienna's Ringstrasse, renowned worldwide and also a symbol of Vienna. It is located in the central position of Vienna's city center, hence it is called the 'Heart of Vienna'. The construction of St. Stephen's Cathedral began in the late 12th century, with its towering spire reaching 137 meters, second only to the Cologne Cathedral in Germany. The architectural style of the entire church is quite unique, incorporating various stylistic elements. The west-facing main entrance adopts Romanesque style, the spire is typically Gothic, and the altar showcases Baroque features. These different architectural styles are skillfully integrated within the cathedral, a result of more than four centuries of reconstruction and renovation. This also reflects the wisdom and talent of the Viennese people in coordination and integration.

6. Golden Hall

The Golden Hall, officially known as the Great Hall of the Vienna Musikverein (English: Musikverein; German: Großer Saal, full name is Goldener Saal Wiener Musikvereins), also known as the Golden Hall or Vienna Philharmonic Hall, is one of the most famous concert halls in Vienna and the world. It is a concert hall that blends ancient and modern elements, with a rich historical background. The Golden Hall has 1,744 seats and 300 standing places and is the permanent venue of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra.

7. Belvedere Palace

Belvedere Palace is a historic building complex in Vienna, Austria, consisting of the Upper Belvedere, Lower Belvedere, Orangery, and Palace Stables. This complex is located in the third district, southeast of the city center of Vienna, surrounded by a Baroque-style park landscape. The Belvedere Palace also includes the Belvedere Museum of Art. The palace gardens are situated on a gentle slope, featuring tiered fountains, waterfalls, Baroque sculptures, and magnificent iron gates. This Baroque palace once served as the summer residence of Prince Eugene of Savoy.

8. Vienna State Opera

The Vienna State Opera (Wiener Staatsoper) is one of the world's most renowned opera houses, known as the 'World Opera Center,' and is also one of the main symbols of the city of Vienna. Built in 1861, the Vienna State Opera is one of the world's four major opera houses, with a construction period lasting 8 years and a total area of 9,000 square meters. It is located on the Ringstrasse in the old town of Vienna and was originally the Royal Court Theatre.

9. Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna

The Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna is a renowned art museum in Austria, featuring 8 branches. The main building is located at Maria-Theresien-Platz on the central section of Vienna's Ringstrasse, opposite the Hofburg Palace. This art museum was funded by the Habsburg family, who ruled Europe for nearly seven centuries. In addition to showcasing royal collections, the museum also displays the magnificent artistic heritage of the Austro-Hungarian Empire at its peak. Furthermore, there are 7 branches located in Vienna and Innsbruck. Today, the Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna is the fourth largest art museum in the world. The museum houses European treasures collected over centuries by the Habsburg dynasty. Works by renowned painters such as Rubens, Rembrandt, Dürer, Raphael, and Titian have made this art museum famous worldwide.

10. Karlskirche

The facade of this church adopts the style of an ancient Greek temple, while the side wings showcase the style of the Italian Renaissance. Its dome and the columns on both sides are adorned with exquisite bas-reliefs, which are very eye-catching. The interior of the church is luxuriously and solemnly decorated, especially the vivid religious frescoes on the dome. Visitors can take an elevator to the dome to admire the magnificent frescoes up close. In front of Karlskirche, there is a wide fountain and a park nearby with many small cafes. People often sit here to chat, read, or rest.