Tofino Town Whale Watching

In the town of Tofino, there are many whale watching tour operators, with the whale watching season running from March to mid-October. There are exciting options such as Zodiac (inflatable) boats and stable steel hull boats (with/without roof) to choose from. While on the way to the islands of Mills and the Hot Springs Cove, passengers may have the chance to see whales. Some operators also combine sightseeing and whale watching activities. Come to Tofino and enjoy the breathtaking scenery and the amazing whale watching experience!

Jamie’s Whaling Station Tofino

Founded in 1982, this place offers travelers a choice of two whale-watching vessels: the inflatable Zodiac boat or the 20-meter-long Leviathan II with heated cabins; if you don't see whales, Jamie will provide a voucher for other trips.

Remote Passages

Remote Passages is a long-established operator, founded in 1986, offering a variety of activities including whale watching tours, hot springs tours, bear watching tours, and sea kayaking programs.

Clayoquot Connections

In addition to traditional whale watching activities, this company also offers relatively inexpensive trips to the harbor and Mills Island.