Czech | How to have fun in CK Town!

Czech Republic, a country located in the center of Europe, is not only home to Prague- a world-renowned city with dual heritage, but also to Český Krumlov, which is known as the "poetic memory of Bohemia", the "city of Central European charm", and the "world's beautiful small town". This medieval town, retaining its original charm, is situated upstream of the Vltava River, exuding an unparalleled ancient atmosphere.

Český Krumlov Castle

Climb up to Český Krumlov Castle, one of the three major towers in the CK town. From here, you can overlook the entire town and witness its splendid scenery, as if capturing a vibrant oil painting.

Church of St. Jošt (Kostel sv. Jošta)

The Church of St. Jošt is one of the three major towers in the town of Český Krumlov, located next to the Painted Tower, making it a landmark of the town. Its green Baroque spire stands out prominently against the town's red rooftops, making it an excellent background for photographs. Additionally, at one of the church's exits, there is an empty niche displaying a statue of St. Mary, which is highly valuable for viewing.

Puppet Museum

The Puppet Museum is located right in front of St. Jost Cathedral, making it a very prominent location. Inside, it showcases a large collection of both ancient and contemporary puppets, which are highly distinctive. Additionally, it maintains a perfectly preserved puppet theater, with stage design and curtains that retain the authentic Baroque style.

Egon Schiele Art Centrum

Krumlov is the hometown of Austrian expressionist painter Egon Schiele. This small town has a romantic and dreamy atmosphere. When he first came here in 1911, he fell deeply in love with it and immediately set up a studio here. However, due to his open painting style and the employment of models, he quickly faced criticism from conservatives and was subsequently driven away by local residents. Nevertheless, the locals later greatly admired him and converted a beer brewing workshop into the Egon Schiele Art Centrum to commemorate this artist.

Cave Restaurant

The Cave Restaurant in Krumlov is renowned far and wide. Not only tourists, but also locals flock here, especially during meal times when it gets extremely crowded. To enjoy the classic dishes here, such as traditional onion bread soup and various roasted pork knuckles, it is best to book two weeks in advance. The Cave Restaurant is located on the site of a former prison, with stone walls, arched ceilings, and dim lighting. Large chunks of meat sizzle on the grill, filling the air with a tantalizing aroma that whets the appetite.