Authentic "Western flavor" north of the north - Western food and bread

Harbin is a place with a strong "Western" flavor, where history and modernity, Eastern and Western cultures blend perfectly. At the end of the 19th century, with the influx of Russians and Western Europeans, the Western catering industry emerged. The century-old history of Western cuisine has had an impact on the food of Harbin. When you see a "big loaf of bread", you will be amazed by its size. When writer Qin Mu came to Harbin, he used the comparison of "bread like a lid" to describe the charm of the big loaf of bread. Among the first cities in China where bread is the main food, Harbin is a city where half of the residents are foreigners. The loaf, originated from neighboring Russia in the northern region, is bold and hearty like the Russians, they drink fiercely and can knock down a girl with a glass of vodka, and eat heartily, a big loaf can even stun a handsome guy.

Huamei Western Restaurant

Along with Beijing Honglou Western Restaurant, Shanghai Honglou Western Restaurant, and Tianjin Qishilin Restaurant, it is known as one of the four major Western restaurants in China. It is a culinary landmark of Harbin.

Portman Western Restaurant

The only large-scale professional Western restaurant in China's Western food industry to receive the title of 'International Dining Famous Restaurant', and currently the largest professional Western restaurant in China. Established on July 18, 1997, Portman is a rising star. Specializing in authentic Russian cuisine, Portman Western Restaurant also incorporates the advantages of French and Italian cuisine. 'Portman' is the translation of '波特曼'. Sitting in a classical European-style restaurant, listening to a nocturne from the outskirts of Moscow, sipping a classic homemade red wine, and looking at the beautiful lady opposite, you will feel a sense of elevation. Although it is a newcomer, it has a very good reputation and deserves praise.

Modern Hotel Western Restaurant

The name of Modern has been renowned since the 20th century, and the Modern cuisine that complements it is even more well-known and widely recognized. The cooking skills here are top-notch, making it a gathering place for famous chefs. History: In 1906, French Jewish Joseph Kasper founded the luxurious Modern Hotel and Western Restaurant. The traditional Russian dishes, as well as English and French dishes, are made with exquisite ingredients and have rich flavors. The café and bar are uniquely charming and attractive.

Huamei Lieba

At the entrance of the old Huamei Western Restaurant, there is a long, serpentine queue every day waiting to buy bread. That is the famous Huamei small bread. The bread is characterized by being economical, affordable, delicious, and free from the strange taste of extra additives, with only the fresh aroma of baked bread.

Qiulin Daliaba

The Daliaba from Qiulin Department Store is different from those from other commercial buildings. Qiulin's Daliaba is baked with firewood, while others are baked with electric ovens. The taste of the two types of bread is noticeably different when eaten among the bustling crowds. If you want a recommendation from an old Harbin resident, I think the best Daliaba is still Qiulin Daliaba. If you have enough time, I suggest buying Qiulin Daliaba. If you're in a hurry, you can buy it from the long queue at Huamei's entrance on Central Street.