The five most beautiful parks in Seattle

Once upon a time, an Oscar-winning film called "Sleepless in Seattle" made people remember this poetic and romantic city on the Pacific coast in the northwest of the United States. Beautiful Seattle is the largest city in the state of Washington, located between Puget Sound and Lake Washington. Tranquil harbors and beautiful lakes are adorned with colorful fashionable streets, offering a serene and prosperous, stylish and romantic atmosphere. Seattle boasts fresh air, lush greenery, and abundant foliage, earning it the nickname "Emerald City." Therefore, there are many parks in the city. Here are the top five most beautiful parks in Seattle. Pick a sunny day and take a stroll in the park.

Washington Park Arboretum is located in the northeastern part of downtown Seattle, covering an area of 230 hectares. Visitors who prefer cycling can ride bicycles in the park. The winding paths on the northern slopes of the park are suitable for leisurely walks. There are also several hidden swimming pools and picnic spots in the park where you can bring snacks, watch people kayaking in Lake Washington, and enjoy a pleasant afternoon.
Kerry Park is the best place to capture the night view of Seattle. From this angle, you can not only capture downtown Seattle and the Space Needle in your lens, but also the peak of Mount Rainier on a clear day. If you are patient enough, you can watch the sky gradually darken from orange to light blue, then to deep blue, and finally to purple at dusk. Standing alone at a high place, watching the city slowly light up, you will wonder how there can be such a city in the world that can fulfill all the beautiful fantasies people have about life, making you infinitely wish to own one of these thousands of lights. Many postcards of Seattle's cityscape, the Space Needle, and Mount Rainier are taken from here.
This is a park converted from an abandoned gas works. Factory machines are scattered on the park's lawn as post-industrial art exhibits, which is very cool. The park is an excellent place to watch the sunset and the Seattle city skyline. If you happen to be there on Independence Day, it is also a great spot to watch fireworks.
A narrow beach separates towering buildings and charming small houses from the waters of West Seattle. This beach is often compared to California beaches. Indeed, when the weather is good, this beach does resemble those in California. On sunny days, the beach is taken over by young people playing volleyball and children licking ice cream cones. There are many restaurants nearby (especially fish and chips, coffee, and ice cream shops), most of which face the sea, allowing you to enjoy a feast for both the eyes and the taste buds.
From the beach in the northwest part of the city at Golden Gardens, the Olympic Mountains stand out in sharp relief against the sunset, like paper cutouts. If you come in the summer afternoon, you better start early, or parking alone will wear you out. It is recommended to rent a bike at Recycled Cycles, so you can ride along the flat and picturesque Burke-Gilman Trail all the way to the park.