The ultimate revealed secrets of vintage photography spots in Chaozhou

Chaozhou is a small city with a strong retro style of the 1980s, very suitable for a film-like texture.

Stepping inside feels like going back to the 1980s. The retro orange-pink 'Keep Up with the Times' sign is really charming!

Xie Huiru Library

A library in the city center with reading rooms and study rooms. The corridors have a distinctive 1980s style, and there is a large mirror.

Tang Specialty Scenic Store

A small shop with a retro art style!!! So retro that you only see it in old TV dramas, it makes you want to immerse yourself in it! You can take photos from across the street or from the side. The shop is filled with many goods, and there are small stools where you can sit and pretend it's your store. It's truly a natural retro scene.

Bookstore and Couplets Shop

On the way from [Xi Ma Road] to [Paifang Street], there are many small, picturesque spots perfect for taking photos. It was during the Spring Festival, and many couplets were posted, creating a festive red atmosphere. Photos taken in portrait mode are perfect for use as Spring Festival avatars.

Paifang Street Jiadi Alley

In front of these courtyards, there are often tall plants, or there may be small alleys between two buildings. This makes the colors in the photos very rich, or the small alleys can increase the depth of the photos.

Xu Prince Consort's Mansion

As a rare Song Dynasty architecture in the country, Xu Prince Consort's Mansion is truly a paradise for photography. Chaozhou architecture features many interconnected rooms, and with the frequent rain and humidity, the small green moss on the walls is refreshing to see.