Tokyo film fun map

Today, amidst the resurgence of the retro film trend, it is not difficult to find a film-related shop on the streets of Tokyo. In the numerous professional old stores in Tokyo, you can truly feel the true meaning of the phrase "film is not dead."

Shinjuku: Yodobashi Camera

This store's film development service is similar to Kitamura Camera mentioned above. There are fewer accessories for various film cameras, but the variety of films is more comprehensive compared to Kitamura Camera. There are many types of slide films and 120 films, making it very suitable for friends who want to buy films and develop them. However, you can only pick up your items at 12 PM the next day.

Jiyugaoka: Popeye Camera Main Store

Here you can find many camera accessories, photo frames, camera bags, and everything related to cameras; there are also many second-hand film cameras for sale, mostly classic models. However, the waiting time for film development is usually more than ten days.

Meguro Gakugei University: monogram

As a shop specializing in film photography and development, this place is filled with a strong academic atmosphere. Whether it's developing or scanning, they are very professional. They also offer a 'semi-order' service, which allows you to request specific color styles for film scanning from the staff.

Shimokitazawa: Hirose Photo Shop

This shop offers affordable 120 film development with very fast processing speed. You can get your photos in as little as one hour, which means you can pick them up after exploring Shimokitazawa. This is also the only shop in Tokyo that uses the Kodak imaging system.

Nakano Koenji: PHOTOLAB

This shop is rich in content and very enjoyable to browse. Although Nakano, where it is located, is less frequented by tourists, it is actually only one train stop away from the cultural hub of Koenji. If you are planning to visit Koenji, you might as well drop by and take a look.


This store, bearing the prestigious name of Fujifilm, is a direct store of the Fuji Group. It offers a variety of disposable cameras and a wide range of digital photo paper and related products to choose from. The digital photos developed here can also be DIY-ed to create many cute effects, similar to photo stickers.

Togoshi: photo kanon Togoshi Ginza Store

This is also a shop that specializes in Japanese-style photography. In addition to basic services such as film development and scanning, it also offers the 'semi-order' service mentioned above, which allows you to customize the color style of your photos.

Shinjuku: Camera no Kitamura

This store uses the Fuji system, and the pickup time is generally around 2 hours, which is very fast and the quality is also very good. The store also sells various commonly used films and disposable cameras, and the developing fees are relatively cheap.