Must-visit 4 barbecue restaurants in Rio de Janeiro for an epic barbecue battle

Brazilian people's passion for meat is astonishing, each person consumes about 40 kilograms of beef per year, making it an absolute heaven for meat lovers!

If your travel time is tight and you really don't have the energy to taste various Brazilian delicacies, and you want to understand the essence of Brazilian cuisine in one meal, then this is the place to go. Brazilian cuisine is mainly about barbecue. Each restaurant may have its own style, but as a Chinese tourist who has tasted about a dozen restaurants, there is truly no restaurant with barbecue more delicious than here.
Inspired by his father's butcher shop and together with chef Thomas Troisgros, this restaurant was opened. It can be said to be a comprehensive meat restaurant. The restaurant's decor is entirely like a butcher shop, and every dish revolves around meat. From ribs to duck breast, you can find it all here. The menu offers 15 different grilling methods to choose from, paired with various sauces that can be a bit overwhelming.
Esplanada Grill is located in the affluent Ipanema district of Rio, a barbecue restaurant particularly loved by the local elite. It has been rated as 'Rio's Best Barbecue Restaurant' by local media. The restaurant uses traditional Brazilian grilling methods while incorporating modern dietary concepts. Instead of high-calorie creams and sauces, healthier dietary elements are chosen to accompany the barbecue. Highly recommended dishes include the grilled beef ribs, grilled rump cap, flank steak, and ribeye.
In Rio, if you want to enjoy other delicacies besides barbecue, this self-service barbecue restaurant is a good choice. In addition to authentic Brazilian barbecue, the restaurant also offers a wide variety of delicious seafood. Interestingly, a toy steam train is suspended from the restaurant's ceiling, so it is often referred to by locals as the 'Little Train Restaurant'. The service is excellent, and you can directly tell the waiter your preferences and dietary restrictions. For example, if you don't like eating raw oysters, the doneness of the food, and various flavors are available for you to choose from.