Daming Palace National Heritage Park, A Majestic Glimpse into the Grandeur of Tang Dynasty

585 Ziqiang East Road, Xincheng District, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province, China
Ein sehr großer Park


This group of buildings is located in one of the "Three Great Inns" of Chang'an City in the Tang Dynasty, and is famous for its magnificent and splendid architecture, making it an important historical relic. It was initially built in the eighth year of the reign of Tang Taizong Zhenguan, with a wall circumference of 7.6 kilometers and a total of eleven gates on all sides. Archaeologists have discovered more than 40 sites such as palaces, towers, and pavilions. In addition, the local area provides tourists with a restored miniature view of the Daming Palace, the IMAX 3D film "Legend of the Daming Palace", as well as experiences in cultural relic archaeological excavation and restoration.
585 Ziqiang East Road, Xincheng District, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province, China
Last admission time: 18:30 (Monday-Sunday, April 15th-October 15th) 08:30-18:00
Last admission time: 18:00 (Monday-Sunday, October 16th-next year April 14th)
Bus: Take bus route 2/17/K17/38/104 to the Daming Palace National Heritage Park Bus Stop. Walk about 780 meters to reach the destination. Subway: Take Subway Line 4 to Hanyuan Hall Station or Daming Palace Station to reach the destination.

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