Tang Paradise, Experience the Splendor of Tang Dynasty

99 Furong West Road, Yanta District, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province
Es gibt mehrere Orte mit einzigartigen Aufführungen tagsüber.


This theme park is located in the northwest region and is one of the largest cultural scenic areas in the area, with the most spectacular Tang-style architecture in the country. The park has two of the world's largest projects, the outdoor fragrance project and the water curtain film performance. At night, the park is brilliantly lit up, with the Tang Culture Corridor, Fanglin Garden, and Ziyun Tower dazzling visitors everywhere. Tourists can enjoy programs such as the Pray for the Drum Inspiration, Court Performances, and Costume Shows. The dance drama Dreaming Back to the Tang Dynasty, located in the Phoenix Nine Days Theater, combines the essence of the Tang Dynasty's style and dance in a visual and auditory feast.
99 Furong West Road, Yanta District, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province
"09:00-22:00 (Monday-Sunday, January 1-December 31)"
Bus: Take bus No. 22/23/24/44/146/212/224/526/609 in the downtown area and get off at Datang Furong Garden West Gate (Imperial Garden Gate) bus station. Walk about 580 meters to reach the destination; Take bus No. 22/24/212/307 in the downtown area and get off at Datang Furong Garden South Gate bus station. Walk about 430 meters to reach the destination.
Telefon 029-85511888

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