2012 Neuseeland Selbstfahrerhinweise ?

2 Antworten

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QEEQ Benutzer

Driving in New Zealand is on the left side of the road. All roads, including rural roads, have road signs. Remember to drive on the left! New Zealand has high driving standards, and the main roads are closed to the public. International driving licenses and permits are accepted for driving in New Zealand for up to 12 months. If you drive without a valid license or permit after 12 months, you may be charged with driving without a valid license. You can only drive the type of vehicle listed on your domestic driver's license. You must have a valid driver's license to rent a car in New Zealand. Please contact the New Zealand Transport Agency for information on translating your driver's license or obtaining an international driver's license. Overseas driver's license translations can be obtained from the following institutions: 1. New Zealand's translation service 2. High diplomatic institutions, consulates, or embassies 3. Authorities that issue foreign licenses (an international driving permit can be considered a translation) Please note that if you are caught driving without a valid driver's license or permit, you may be charged with driving without a license, and you will be liable for any fines. If you are using an international driving license, you must carry a valid license. If you are driving in New Zealand, you must always carry a valid driver's license.

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QEEQ Benutzer

Man muss links fahren, das wird sicher eine Weile dauern, bevor man damit vertraut ist, ansonsten gibt es Probleme mit Bußgeld.