Beijing 3-Day Free Travel Guide

1 cities | 9 attraction(s) | total distance 71 km
As the capital and ancient city of China, Beijing has a profound cultural heritage. It is a city that combines both classical and modern elements. It not only encompasses the Chinese culture since the Yuan, Ming, and Qing dynasties, but also gathers numerous famous historical sites and cultural landscapes. Here, religions, cultures, and languages merge, integrate and coexist, making it a dream destination for countless people and a popular tourist hotspot worldwide.

Day1: Beijing

3 attraction(s) · 12 km
Tiananmen Square is a city square located in the center of Beijing, and is one of the largest city squares in the world. It is named after the southern gate "Tiananmen" of the former Ming and Qing imperial palace. There is a flagpole located at the north end of the square, where a flag-raising ceremony is held each day. The Forbidden City, also known as the Palace Museum, is located in the center of Beijing's central axis, and served as the imperial palace for 24 emperors in the Ming and Qing dynasties. It covers an area of 720,000 square meters, and was built in 1406 and completed in 1420. The Temple of Heaven is located in the Dongcheng District of Beijing, and served as the place where emperors in the Ming and Qing dynasties held ceremonies to worship the heavens and pray for good harvests and rain. It is the largest and highest-ranking ancient sacrificial building complex in China, and has been listed as a world cultural heritage site.
10 km

Day2: Beijing

2 attraction(s) · 36 km
The Badaling Great Wall is located at the north entrance of Jundushan Guandao in Yanqing District, Beijing. It is an important part of the Great Wall, a great ancient defense project in China, and a pass of the Ming Great Wall. The Ming Tombs are a group of mausoleums of 13 emperors of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) with large scale, complete system and relatively complete preservation.

Day3: Beijing

4 attraction(s) · 24 km
The Summer Palace is a royal garden from the Qing Dynasty in China, formerly known as the Qingyi Garden. It is located in the western suburbs of Beijing, 15 kilometers away from the city, covering an area of approximately 290 hectares (2.9 square kilometers) and adjacent to the Old Summer Palace. The Lama Temple, located on Yonghegong Street in Dongcheng District, Beijing, is one of the largest Tibetan Buddhist monasteries in Han Chinese areas. Shichahai is also known as "Ten Temples Lake" because there were ten Buddhist temples around it. It has tranquil lake views, historical sites such as famous people's former residences and royal mansions, etc. Nanluoguxiang is one of the 25 old city protected areas, with a total length of 786 meters, and is one of the oldest neighborhoods in Beijing. It is the only traditional residential area in China that fully preserves the courtyard structure of Hutongs (narrow alleyways) from the Yuan Dynasty, with the largest scale, highest grade and richest resources, forming a checkerboard pattern.
5 km
2 km