City Park, A Serene Urban Oasis with Unique Wildlife

Corner of Cameron Street Tamar Street
This park is very beautiful


The Launceston City Park is located in a prime location, nestled in the northeast of the city center, with pleasant surroundings and lush grass. The park features a greenhouse named John Hart Conservatory showcasing various flowers, while a delicately-crafted pavilion sits next to the historic "Golden Jubilee Memorial" drinking fountain. In 1965, Launceston officially established a sister city relationship with Ikeda City, Osaka Prefecture, Japan, resulting in the establishment of a Monkey Island within Launceston City Park, providing visitors with a unique experience. In addition, the park is adjacent to a unique Victorian-style building named Albert Hall and the City Park Radio Museum, which combines historical and cultural significance. Visitors can also explore exhibitions by local designers at the Tasmania Design Centre at the park entrance, experiencing the cultural significance of the land. Moreover, the city park is also the venue for an annual food festival, undoubtedly a must-visit attraction when in Launceston.

Must-go rating

Worth going


Cheap parking fees
Corner of Cameron Street Tamar Street
Opening hours
Monkey House opening hours: 8:00-16:00 from April to September
8:00-16:30 from October to March of the next year.
John Hart Botanic Greenhouse opening hours: Monday-Friday 8:30-16:30
Saturday-Sunday 9:00-16:30 (April to September), 9:00-17:30 (October to March of the next year).
Walk to the north of the city to find the main entrance of the park at the intersection of Cameron Street and Tamar Street.