Battery Point, A Tranquil Enclave of Historic Charm

Bob Tom, Hampden Road, Battery Point, Hobart, City of Hobart, Tasmania, 7004, Australia
A very fairytale-style stone house


Battery Point is located in the southern part of Hobart's city center and is a historic area adjacent to the Salamanca Art Precinct. It is a quiet and peaceful area renowned for its charming classical residences, and is a gathering place for the wealthy. The bars and restaurants on Hampden Road have a good reputation, and the cottages around Arthur Circus and Kellys Steps are also great places to explore. Here, you will feel a strong historical atmosphere and the warm and friendly locals.

Must-go rating

Worth going


Free parking
Bob Tom, Hampden Road, Battery Point, Hobart, City of Hobart, Tasmania, 7004, Australia
Walk south from the city to Salamanca Place, where the Salamanca Market is located, then continue southeast to the large residential area of Battery Point which consists of many old-style houses.