Sydney Wildlife World, Immerse in Australia's Unique Wildlife

1-5 Wheat Rd, Darling Harbour NSW 2000 Australia
Many animals are classified as spiders


Wildlife World in Sydney covers an area of seven acres and was originally bought by Charles and Marjorie Wigg in 1953 and transformed into a poultry farm. After years of development, it has become one of Australia's most popular private wildlife parks. In December 1996, Sydney Wildlife Park was acquired by Amalgamated Holdings Limited and became a part of the company. Since then, it has been upgraded several times, with the latest renovation in 1998. Today, Sydney Wildlife World is one of Australia's top tourist attractions and plays an important role in the tourism industry. Wildlife World is a unique indoor zoo with nine different exhibition areas, including Butterfly Tropics, Australian Fur Seals, Kangaroo Walkabout, Tropical Bay of Rays, Reptiles World, Nocturnal Creatures, Riverina Ranges, Southern Oceans and Daintree Rainforest. Advanced high-tech technology is used to create a realistic natural environment for the animals, providing you with an immersive experience. Here, you can see about 130 species of Australian wildlife, with a total of over 6000 animals, expanding your horizons and giving you more knowledge about the animals.
1-5 Wheat Rd, Darling Harbour NSW 2000 Australia
Opening hours
Monday to Sunday 9:00-17:00.
Walking: Walk for about 5-10 minutes along Market Street or King Street.