Nottingham Castle, Immerse in the Legacy of Art and Legend

Castle Vetinary Centre, 61-63 Castle Blvd, New Lenton, Nottingham NG7 1FD, United Kingdom
A place that combines museums and art galleries


Nottingham Castle, built in 1067, was once a royal military fortress and residence. Today, the castle has been transformed into a museum with a focus on the history of Robin Hood and Nottingham. Statues of the famous outlaw surround the castle, allowing visitors to experience this piece of history firsthand.
Castle Vetinary Centre, 61-63 Castle Blvd, New Lenton, Nottingham NG7 1FD, United Kingdom
Opening hours
October-March: 10am-5pm
November-February: 10am-4pm.
Walk northwest from Nottingham train station for about 10 minutes.