Mausoleo di Galla Placidia, A Mosaic Masterpiece of Byzantine Art

Mausoleum of Galla Placidia, Strada Pedonale Benedetto Fiandrini, 48110 Ravenna, Emilia-Romagna, Italy
Exquisite and stunning mosaic inlay paintings


This church, built in the 5th century, is just a few steps away from the Church of San Vitale and is famous for its interior mosaic decoration. Aelia Galla Placidia was the daughter of Roman Emperor Theodosius the Great and sister of Western Roman Emperor Honorius. She was once captured by the Goths and married their leader, Ataulf, in 414, but he was soon assassinated. Then, the Romans spent 600,000 bushels of wheat to redeem her. Honorius had her marry Constantius III and appointed her regent, but he died after only 7 months. Galla Placidia had a dispute with Honorius and was eventually exiled to Constantinople. After Honorius died, she returned to Ravenna, beheaded the usurper John, and made her and Constantius III's young son Valentinian III emperor of the Western Roman Empire, serving as regent as the empress dowager. During her reign, she built a large number of churches in Ravenna, and her mausoleum (originally a lecture hall of a church) is considered one of the earliest and best styles of Byzantine mosaics.
Mausoleum of Galla Placidia, Strada Pedonale Benedetto Fiandrini, 48110 Ravenna, Emilia-Romagna, Italy
Opening hours
Northwest corner of Ravenna City, within the courtyard of the Saint Vitale Church. However, it is closer to the exit, so it is generally visited after the Saint Vitale Church.