The castle of Maniace, Majestic Bastion of History and Seascape

Castello Maniace, 96100 Isola di Oritigia, SR


Frederick Castle is one of the most beautiful buildings on the island, named after the Byzantine commander George Maniaches who was responsible for defending the southern harbor of the island. The castle's original walls were 18 meters high and 3.5 meters thick, with the main facade facing Oltica and sides facing the sea. In the 16th century, the Spaniards renovated the castle. The arches, passages, platforms, and battlements inside the castle still exist, reminding people of the majesty and strength of this building in defending against enemies.
Castello Maniace, 96100 Isola di Oritigia, SR
Opening hours
Monday to Sunday 9:00-13:30, ticket sales stop 30 minutes before closing.
You can take the Siracusa d'amore minibus directly from the bus stop in front of Siracusa train station to get there.