Ortigia, A Timeless Journey Through Greek Grandeur

Movimentocentrale bike café, Via dei Mergulensi, Ortigia, Siracusa, SR, Sicily, 96100, Italy
The seaside was the place where Marlena walked


Cicero once described the city of Ortigia as "the greatest and most beautiful of all Greek cities." It is home to many ancient Greek-style buildings with a long history, some of which date back thousands of years, including the ruins of the Temple of Apollo (Il tempio di Apollo), the Athena Temple converted into a cathedral (Il Duomo di Siracusa), the beautiful Fountain of Arethusa (Fonte Aretusa), and the spacious Greek Theater (Il Teatro Greco). Next to the Greek Theater is a huge cave called the Ear of Dionysius (Orecchio di Dionisio), which is shaped like an ear and echoes like thunder. In addition, there are many churches from the Christian era within the city, most of which are built in Romanesque or Baroque styles. These buildings, representing different eras and styles, bear witness to the long history of the ancient city and still stand quietly today.
Movimentocentrale bike café, Via dei Mergulensi, Ortigia, Siracusa, SR, Sicily, 96100, Italy