Rialto Markets, Experience the vibrant local life and fresh produce

Rialto Market, Campo della Pescaria, San Polo, Venice, VE, Veneto, 30125, Italy
There is a fruit market and a fish market near Rialto Bridge


Near the Rialto Bridge, there is a fruit market and a fish market. At the fish market, you can buy all kinds of fresh seafood, while also seeing many seagulls fighting over these delicious foods. Next to the seafood market is a small shop that sells various cooked seafood dishes, but customers must stand to enjoy these delicacies. Although the small shop is popular, it seems to only serve Chinese cuisine.
Rialto Market, Campo della Pescaria, San Polo, Venice, VE, Veneto, 30125, Italy
Opening hours
From 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. every day.