Peggy Guggenheim Collection, A Treasure Trove of Modern Art

704 Dorsoduro, I 30123 Venice
All are modern art


Peggy Guggenheim's collection is a private art collection that held an important position in the art collecting communities of both Italy and the United States and existed until the first half of the 20th century. The collection was originally housed in Peggy Guggenheim's private residence, but eventually became a personal collection on display. The museum displays the precious works of art collected by Peggy Guggenheim in the 20th century.
704 Dorsoduro, I 30123 Venice
Opening hours
Closed on Tuesdays
Closed on January 9th, February 20th, and December 25th.
Departing from Piazzale Roma or Ferrovia: Take Line 2 Vaporetto to Accademia station.