Republic Square, Heart of the nation, pure springs and musical fountains

21/1, Pushkin street, Yerevan, 0010, Armenia
The night view is nice and there are lots of people and a fountain


The New City, located in the center of Yerevan, was originally designed and built in the 1920s during the Soviet era by the famous modern Armenian architect Alexander Tamanyan. The square was originally named Lenin Square, but in the late 20th century, the central Lenin statue was removed. It is also the center of concentration of national core buildings in Armenia, including the Armenian Central Government Office and the Prime Minister's Office. The Vernisage flea market is also located here on weekends. In addition, the Armenian National Museum, National Gallery, Literature and Art Museum, and Arno Babajanian Concert Hall are also nearby. Each building adopts the "Armenian classical" architectural style, built with red, pink, and white three-color rock unique to Armenia, with pink as the main tone. This architectural style is very rare in the world. The Armenian National Day parade is also held here every year. In addition, government buildings such as the Armenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Marriott-affiliated Armenia Hotel, and the National Postal Service are located in the northwest and southeast corners respectively.

Must-go rating

Worth going


Translation: Others
21/1, Pushkin street, Yerevan, 0010, Armenia
Opening hours
All day
Many buses, minibuses, and subway trains can reach Yerevan.