Temple of Athena Nike, A Sanctuary of Victory and Wisdom

Athena Parthenos Temple


The Temple of Athena Nike is a charming temple located on the Acropolis of Athens. The temple's name in English, "Nike", derives from the Greek word for victory, and it has always been one of the centers of attention for the ancient Greek public, where people worshiped the goddess of victory and wisdom - Athena. During the long period of war between Athens and Sparta, Athenians often came here to pray for victory.
Opening hours
From 8:00 to 20:00 every day, with the latest admission time at 19:45. Closed on January 1, March 25, May 1, Easter Sunday, December 25, and December 26. Open from 8:00 to 15:00 on January 6, Shrove Monday, Holy Saturday, Easter Monday, Holy Spirit Day, August 15, and October 28. Good Friday opens at 12:00.
You can take the red line of the subway to the Acropoli station, and then walk to the ticket office of the Athens Acropolis after exiting the subway and turning left.