Font Magica, A magical fusion of water, light, and music

The musical fountain performance at night was pretty good


The Font Màgica, a magic fountain located on Montjuïc Mountain, is an artificial landscape built in 1929 for the Barcelona World's Fair. Initially a light fountain, it was later upgraded with music facilities in 1980. Visitors can enjoy a spectacular visual magic show combining water fountains, neon lights, and music by visiting the Catalonian National Art Museum at the appropriate time.
Opening hours
Performance Schedule: March 31st to October 30th: Thursday to Sunday at 21:00, 21:30, 22:00, 22:30, 23:00
October 31st to March 30th: Friday and Saturday at 19:00, 19:30, 20:00, 20:30
Christmas and Easter holidays: Thursday to Sunday at 19:00, 19:30, 20:00, 20:30
Closed from January 6th to February 19th.