Zelve Open-Air Museum, [object Object]

Zelve Road, Aktepe, Avanos, Nevşehir, Central Anatolia Region, 50650, Turkey
You can really appreciate the wonders of nature


The Zelve Open Air Museum brings together unique-shaped fairy chimneys and charming natural landscapes from all over Cappadocia. Standing in the bizarre canyon, you can feel the magic of nature. Imagine the volcanic lava earth being eroded by wind and rain, cutting through valleys, and giving birth to wave stones and fairy chimneys. The size of the rock openings varies, with residences and churches, but more of them are shelters for Christians. At the highest point of the rock is the pigeon cave, a microcosm of the life of the people of Cappadocia. The beauty and cultural history here are truly breathtaking.
Zelve Road, Aktepe, Avanos, Nevşehir, Central Anatolia Region, 50650, Turkey
Opening hours
Winter: 8:00-17:00
Summer: 8:00-19:00
Zervi is located on the road from Granja to Avanços and most buses from either Granja or Avanços pass through here.