The Terrace Houses, Immerse in the Luxurious Roman Elegance

Terrace House 2, Curetes Street, Selçuk, Izmir, Aegean Region, 35920, Turkey
Murals and mosaic tiles are very beautiful


The Terrace House is one of the world-famous cultural landmarks, with unique features and an important place to appreciate the luxury of ancient Roman society. Here, you can admire many exquisite artworks and important relics of human history, including treasures on the level of Italy's Pompeii. These exhibits represent the culture and history of ancient Rome, showcasing the prosperity and luxury of Roman society. If you are interested in ancient Roman history and culture, then the Terrace House will definitely be a must-visit travel destination for you.
Terrace House 2, Curetes Street, Selçuk, Izmir, Aegean Region, 35920, Turkey