Castelo dos Mouros, A Miniature Version of the Great Wall in Europe

Castle of the Moors, Caminho de Santa Maria, Sintra Vila, Sintra, Lisboa, Grande Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal
The castle is very similar to the Great Wall in China


The Moorish Castle is one of the unique Moorish architectures in Europe, which was built in the 17th century. Situated on a small hill, it looks like a mini version of the Great Wall when viewed from afar, facing the Pena Palace across the river. It is a castle with historical significance that attracts many visitors to come and visit.
Castle of the Moors, Caminho de Santa Maria, Sintra Vila, Sintra, Lisboa, Grande Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal
Opening hours
Peak season (2018 from now to October 27) 9:30-20:00, last admission at 19:00
Off-season 10:00-18:00, last admission at 17:00.
Get off the 434 bus at Castelo dos Mouros.