Quinta de Regaleira, A surreal journey through mysterious sculptures and underground labyrinths

Quinta da Regaleira, 2710-567 Sintra
One of the most worthwhile places to visit in Sintara


Regaleira Estate is one of the main tourist attractions in Sintra and is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The estate includes many beautiful buildings and amenities, such as the romantic Regaleira Palace, the Regaleira Chapel, and a luxurious park with lakes, caves, wells, benches, fountains, and more. It is also known as the "Millionaire Monteiro's Palace" named after the nickname of the first owner. The beauty and romanticism of Regaleira Estate attracts countless tourists to visit and also allows visitors to appreciate the charm of history.

Must-go rating

Not worth it


Quinta da Regaleira, 2710-567 Sintra
Opening hours
April 1st to September 30th from 9:30-20:00, last admission at 19:00
October 1st to March 31st of the following year 9:30-18:00, last admission at 17:00
Closed on December 24th and 25th.
Get off at Quinta da Regaleira stop by bus 435 or walk for 20 minutes from the center of Sintra town.