Sé do Porto , A Majestic Blend of Gothic and Baroque

Terreiro da Sé, 4050-573 Porto
Architectural style through historical sedimentation


Although the Porto Cathedral may not match the lavish decoration and bustling scenes of the famous Church of Saint Francis that receives a large number of tourists, as the oldest and largest church, it still possesses unparalleled historical significance and important religious activities. Its simple architectural style is from the Romanesque architecture of the 12th century, with an ancient style that resembles a castle. It has witnessed many historic events, including the baptism of navigator Prince Henry and the wedding of English Princess Constance and King Pedro I in the 14th century. Today, the Porto Cathedral still holds regular religious services, allowing visitors to get closer to the local people and understand the city's life. The church has undergone many renovations and is now very different, with a Gothic rose window and a treasure room covered in 18th-century hand-painted blue tiles, a Baroque balcony on the north side, and a silver altar. The exhibition hall also has a rich collection of religious artworks. Don't forget to admire the colorful old city and Douro River from the balcony, and the magnificent three-story Episcopal Palace, which is not open to tourists.
Terreiro da Sé, 4050-573 Porto
Opening hours
From April to October, the opening hours are 9:00-12:30 and 14:30-19:00 (museum and cloister: 9:00-12:15 and 14:40-18:30). From November to the following March, the opening hours are from 9:00-12:30 and 14:30-18:00 (treasury and cloister: 9:00-12:15 and 14:30-17:30). The treasury will be closed on Sundays and Church holidays. The museum will be closed during Easter and Christmas holidays.
Take the D line of the subway to São Bento station and walk for another 10 minutes to arrive.