Nobel Peace Center, A Beacon of Global Peace and Reflection

Brynjulf Bulls Square 1, 0124 Oslo
"List Oslo's landmark buildings."


Beside the city hall, there is a museum that displays information and items related to the Nobel Peace Prize. On weekends, the museum offers guided tours in Norwegian and English. The English tour is at 13:00 and the Norwegian tour is at 14:00. Visitors are welcome.
Brynjulf Bulls Square 1, 0124 Oslo
Opening hours
Closed on Mondays from September to May 15th (except October 1st and December 17th). Closed on special holidays: May 17th, December 9th, December 11th, December 24th, December 25th, and December 31st (12:30-14:30 on December 10th).
Get off at Aker Brygge station by taking Tram 12, and walk from there.