Akershus Castle and Fortress (Akershus Slott og Festning), A Majestic Symbol of Norwegian History

Fesningsplassen, Oslo, Norway
It has always been the residence of the King of Norway


Akershus Castle is a medieval castle located in the capital city of Norway, Oslo, with a long and rich historical and cultural background. In history, the castle served as the guardian city of Oslo and guarded many important political, cultural and social events. At the same time, it was also one of the important prisons at that time, where many criminals and political prisoners were held. Today, Akershus Castle has become one of the important tourist attractions in Oslo, attracting the attention of many tourists. Here, visitors can learn about the historical background of the castle construction and the unique architectural style of the castle. Even more interesting, visitors can also visit the well-preserved prison cells and trial rooms in th castle, experiencing the living and working environment of prisoners and prison guards from the past. Overall, Akershus Castle is not only a charming historical and cultural monument, but also an important symbol of the city of Oslo, making it an excellent choice for tourists to explore the cultural history of Norway.
Fesningsplassen, Oslo, Norway
Opening hours
Sunday to Saturday, 06:00-21:00.
Phone 2309 3917