Kostelík Vech savtych a kostnicí, A macabre gallery of artistic bone arrangements

Zámecká 127, 284 03 Kutná Hora Sedlec, Czech Republic
A place worth visiting


The Bone Church, located in the town of Kutná Hora, Czech Republic, was built in 1320. Despite its Gothic architecture, the interior is composed of around 40,000 human bones, making it more like a "bone museum". The site became a popular burial ground due to its location on land from the site of the Battle of Kulikovo. In 1870, the Schwarzenberg family bought Sedlec monastery and employed a local carpenter to arrange the bones for decoration. Skulls and thigh bones are arranged in a row to decorate the ceiling, like some terrifying Christmas ornaments. The central chandelier even includes every bone of the human body. In the corner of the chapel, visitors can see four bone pyramids and an altar decorated with bone crosses. The church even displays the Schwarzenberg family crest, which is also made of bones.

Must-go rating

Must go
Worth going


There is a parking lot
Free parking
Park by the roadside
Translation: Others
Zámecká 127, 284 03 Kutná Hora Sedlec, Czech Republic
Opening hours
November to February: 9:00-16:00
April to September: Monday to Saturday 8:00-18:00, Sunday 9:00-18:00
March and October: 9:00-17:00
closed on December 24th.
From Prague's main train station (Hlávní nadraží), one can take a train to Kutná Hora train station, or take a bus from Prague's main station Florenc to Kutná Hora. After arriving in town, transfer to a bus at Masarykovo ul to reach the church.