Nové zámecké schody, Breathtaking panoramic views of Prague

Thunovská, 119 00 Praha 1 Malá Strana Malá Strana, Czechia
There is a small restaurant at the end of the stairs


The New Castle Stairs is a public walkway in Prague designed for pedestrians, connecting Thunovskou Street in the Lesser Town to the Castle Square in front of Prague Castle. It also serves as the boundary between the Lesser Town and the Castle District. According to records, the road dates back to 1278 and was originally called "Strmá cesta" or "Steep Road". Its current appearance was formed in the 17th century. Despite its name, the New Castle Stairs are actually older than the Old Castle Stairs on the east side of Prague Castle.

Must-go rating

Worth going


Translation: Others
Thunovská, 119 00 Praha 1 Malá Strana Malá Strana, Czechia