Kasteel de Haar, A fairytale castle with noble allure

Kasteellaan 1, 3455 RR Utrecht, Netherlands
It is really a very magnificent castle


De Haar Castle, also known as Haar Castle, is one of the most famous castles in the Netherlands, located in the village of Haarzuilens near Utrecht. The village is known as the "Red Village" because all the windows and doors are painted with red and white diagonal stripes, which is the traditional symbol of the Van Zuylen family. Legend has it that the "Red Village" was originally located where the castle now stands and that the Van Zuylen family moved the entire village several kilometers to build the castle. Throughout history, the castle has belonged to the Van Zuylen family, and after several renovations and reconstructions, it was thoroughly renovated and reconstructed by Dr. P.J.H. Cuypers at the end of the 19th century on behalf of Baron Etienne van Zuylen van Nijevelt van de Haar. After 20 years of effort, this castle was restored to its former glory. Today, the Van Zuylen family still lives in the castle, and there is a small chapel next to the castle for family members to pray. Located in a beautiful natural setting of blue skies, white clouds, green trees, and blue water, De Haar Castle's towering spires, palace-style gardens, moats, and drawbridges resemble a real fairy-tale castle.
Kasteellaan 1, 3455 RR Utrecht, Netherlands
Opening hours
Get off at Vleuten station and turn right to see a small square where buses are parked. There is a signpost there. Bus 127 is a minibus. Tell the driver to remind you when you reach the castle. The fare is less than two euros because it takes only seven minutes to get there. Follow the signs on the iron fence and walk for about 15 minutes to arrive. You can buy tickets to visit the garden or the inside of the castle at the entrance.