Westerkerk, A Towering Tribute to Art and History

Prinsengracht 281
The canal around the church is very beautiful


West Church is one of the tallest Protestant churches in Amsterdam, built between 1620 and 1631 and located on the Prince's Canal. The top of the church reaches 85 meters high and is crowned with the coronation consisting of the possible personal fixtures of Maximilian I. Painter Rembrandt was buried here on 8 October 1669, though the exact location of his grave is uncertain. Additionally, his mistress is also buried here. During World War II, Anne Frank House was situated near the church, where her family hid from Nazi persecution. A statue of Anne Frank is located outside the church to commemorate her and her family. The Homomonument, a monument to commemorate those who suffered from persecution because of their homosexuality, is also located near the church. On 10 March 1966, Princess Beatrix of the Netherlands (later queen) married German diplomat Claus von Amsberg at this church.
Prinsengracht 281
Opening hours
April 1st to November 1st, Monday to Saturday, 10:00-15:00.
Sunday and Christmas Day, 10:30-12:00.
Tram: 13/14/17, Westermarkt stop.