Anne Frank House, Experience the poignancy of history

Prinsengracht 263-267, 1016 GV Amsterdam, Netherlands
It is famous as Anne Frank's Diary


Anne Frank House, located in Amsterdam, Netherlands, is a famous museum dedicated to anti-fascism and anti-racism. It is the setting of the best-selling book of the 20th century, The Diary of Anne Frank, which provides a deeper understanding of the persecution of Jews during World War II. The refuge has preserved the original appearance from the book, allowing visitors to enter through the hidden door behind the bookcase, climb the narrow stairs, and step into the small room to experience the two years of the harsh life that Anne had to endure. She spent more than two years in seclusion, without sunlight and in a repressed atmosphere, hiding from the Nazis by moving silently and making no sound. Here, her endurance was pushed to the limit. The original manuscript of The Diary of Anne Frank and the daily necessities used at that time are on display, with verses hanging on the wall expressing the pain, loneliness, fear, and hope of a 13-year-old girl. She once wrote, "I hope to keep alive the possibility that things can get better." Her longing for life deeply touches everyone's heart. Today, Anne Frank House has become a permanent historical witness, educating people to promote human justice, righteousness, and inclusive spirit.

Must-go rating

Worth going


Bus transportation
Prinsengracht 263-267, 1016 GV Amsterdam, Netherlands
Opening hours
April to October: 9:00-22:00, every day
November to March of the following year: 9:00-19:00 every day (Saturday until 21:00)
You can take tram or bus routes 13, 17, 170, 172, and 174 to Westermarkt station, or walk for about 20 minutes from the Central Train Station.