Uplistsikhe Complex, A Majestic Stone City Carved by History

Shota Rustaveli St, Ambrolauri, Ambrolauri Municipality, Racha Lechkhumi and Lower Svaneti, Georgia


The history of this city can be traced back to the Bronze Age, and its name was given in the centuries AD. It was once one of the political and cultural centers of Georgia, but after being attacked by Arabs in the 7th century, it became the residence of the Georgian royal family and further developed due to its convenient transportation and location by the river. However, when Georgia reunited in the 12th century, the capital was moved away and its status began to decline. The invasion of the Mongols in the 13th century caused it to be completely abandoned. Its current ruins have been excavated since the 1950s.
Shota Rustaveli St, Ambrolauri, Ambrolauri Municipality, Racha Lechkhumi and Lower Svaneti, Georgia
Opening hours
Direct transportation from Tbilisi is available by taxi, but the fare is no less than 30 lari. Alternatively, take the minibus from Tbilisi bus station towards Kvakhvreli (one way for 1 lari) and get off at the final stop. Walk over the bridge and head west for about 2 kilometers. Minibuses run infrequently, so be sure to plan ahead accordingly.