Nariqala Fortress, Panoramic Views of Timeless Grandeur

Narikala Castle, Tbilisi, Georgia
You can see a panoramic view of Tbilisi from the fortress


Sololaki Mountain in southern Tbilisi is the last fortress of the old city's defense line. It was built in the 4th century and the remaining military buildings were rebuilt in the 17th century. It was severely damaged in a major explosion in 1827. Saint Nicholas Church was rebuilt after the collapse of the Soviet Union, as the original church was destroyed in 1827. Despite the serious damage to the fortress, it overlooks the panoramic view of the city, especially the old town, and is a great place for tourists to visit.
Narikala Castle, Tbilisi, Georgia
Opening hours
Start walking up the hill from the Metekhi Bridge in the old town of Tbilisi. Or take the cable car on the other side of the river in the old town. The cable car was opened for trial in 2012 from 12:00-24:00, with a one-way fare of 1 GEL and a round trip fare of 2 GEL.