Maison Carree, A Timeless Monument of Roman Grandeur

Place de la Maison Carree, 30000 Nimes, France
A well-preserved temple currently exists


The Maison Carrée, also known as the Square House, was built around 5 AD and is a square temple from the Roman period, dedicated to the two adopted sons of Emperor Augustus. This ancient temple is well-preserved and is one of the most precious historical sites in the city of Nîmes. It features 30 Corinthian columns on its pedestal, creating a magnificent sight. In ancient times, the Maison Carrée served as the economic and administrative center of Nîmes. During the Middle Ages, it transformed into a hall for administrative officials and later served various functions such as a stable, church, and provincial archives. Today, it is used as a museum and remains well-preserved. Its historical significance and transformations bear witness to the passage of time between ancient and modern eras, providing valuable cultural heritage and resources for historical research.
Place de la Maison Carree, 30000 Nimes, France
Opening hours
June to August, 9:00-19:00
November to February, 9:30-16:30
March to May, September and October, 9:00-17:30.