Notre Dame De La Garde, Breathtaking panoramic views of Marseille

Rue Fort du Sanctuaire, 13281 Marseille Cedex 06
The church is shining with golden light on the mountaintop


The Basilica of Notre-Dame de la Garde in Marseille is one of the many churches in Europe and is definitely a must-visit tourist destination. The golden statue of the Virgin and Child stands atop the church, symbolizing the protection granted to sailors, fishermen, and residents of Marseille. The church is located on a small hill 154 meters high, with an observation platform around it, offering the best views of Marseille and the Mediterranean islands. The history of the church can be traced back 800 years. Originally a small chapel, in 1524, King Francis I of France ordered the construction of a fortress here to strengthen Marseille's defenses, and the current church stands on the remains of that fortress. In the mid-19th century, architect Esperandieu was commissioned to expand the church. He combined the Roman-Byzantine architectural design of the Basilica of Notre-Dame de la Garde with elements such as domes, colored stones, gold decorations, and mosaics to create a splendid and magnificent effect. The bell tower of the church is 60 meters high, with a huge gold statue at the top measuring 11.2 meters, featuring the Virgin Mother holding the Child Jesus, visible from most parts of Marseille and several miles away at sea. The interior of the sanctuary is decorated with paintings, plaques, model ships, and items of various sizes donated by believers, including football team jerseys with the faith achievements of Didier Drogba.

Must-go rating

Must go


There is a parking lot
Free parking
Rue Fort du Sanctuaire, 13281 Marseille Cedex 06
Opening hours
From October to March of the following year, hours are from 7:00 am to 6:15 pm. From April to September, hours are from 7:00 am to 7:15 pm.
Take the sightseeing train or the No. 60 bus to the final stop in Laogang.