Parc national des Calanques, Breathtaking cliffs and pristine beaches

The Calanques, 13009 Marseille France
A place that is very much worth visiting


The Calanques along the Mediterranean coast are a unique coastal landscape formed by long-term limestone weathering and marine erosion, characterized by steep cliffs and gorges. The Parc national des Calanques, a national park in the Mediterranean Strait, includes natural rocky coves, forests, and marine ecosystems stretching nearly 20 kilometers from the outskirts of Marseille to the small town of La Ciotat. It was designated as France's tenth national park in 2012 and is subject to strict protection measures and regulations. From April to the end of September, all motor vehicles, except for locals, are prohibited. The best way to explore is by foot, attracting numerous outdoor enthusiasts from around the world each year for hiking, rock climbing, diving, kayaking, and other outdoor activities, enjoying the beauty and passion of the Mediterranean.
The Calanques, 13009 Marseille France
There are several common entry points to Xiaowan Park: