Zauberwald, A Fairy Tale Realm of Pristine Forests and Streams

Hinterseer Str 104, 83486 Ramsau bei Berchtesgaden, Germany
The magical forest scenery is very pleasant


The magical forest is located in the Ramsau area of Berchtesgaden, a small town on the border between Germany and Austria. It covers an area of approximately 0.75 square kilometers and is situated between Hintersee Lake and Marx Gorge. The forest was established 3500-4000 years ago and offers beautiful natural scenery with flowing rivers and the sounds of birds. In the 1920s and 1930s, it gained international fame for its romantic atmosphere created by its picturesque landscapes, forests, and streams. To reach the hiking entrance, you can take bus route 846 and get off at Hintersee Zauberwald or Ramsau Kirche. Along the way, there are multiple entrances, allowing travelers to choose their preferred route. The forest trails pass through stunning mountainous landscapes, and the hiking time ranges from 1.5 to 2.5 hours. The forest is charming in all seasons, with blooming flowers in spring, lush greenery in summer, colorful autumn foliage, and a snowy landscape in winter. The area also offers opportunities for activities such as skiing. The magical forest is very popular among tourists due to its breathtaking scenery. Along the trails, there are informative signboards showcasing various attractions and routes. If time permits, hiking through this incredibly beautiful forest is a step-by-step experience to appreciate its beauty.
Hinterseer Str 104, 83486 Ramsau bei Berchtesgaden, Germany
Take bus 846 from Berchtesgaden train station and get off at the Hintersee Zauberwald stop.