Ulmer Münster, Ascend the World's Tallest Church Spire

Münsterplatz 21, 89073 Ulm
The scenery on the top of the tower is very nice


This Gothic cathedral is located in one of the tallest buildings in the world. Its church tower reaches a height of 161.53 meters and has 768 steps. The interior of the church can accommodate 30,000 people, making it the second largest church in Germany, only after Cologne Cathedral. It was built in 1377 but construction was halted in 1545 and resumed in 1844, finally completed in 1890.

Must-go rating

Worth going


Park by the roadside
Münsterplatz 21, 89073 Ulm
Opening hours
The opening time is usually at 9:00 am in the morning, while the closing time varies according to the season between 16:45-19:45. For climbing the tower, it will be closed one hour in advance.
Walk about 500 meters along the pedestrian street in front of the railway station.