Sowjetisches Ehrenmal Treptow, A Monumental Tribute to Soviet Heroes

Soviet War Memorial, Am Treptower Park, 12435 Berlin, Germany


In 1945, the Soviet War Memorial in Treptower Park, Berlin was built by the former Soviet Union to commemorate the more than 80,000 Soviet soldiers who died during the Battle of Berlin. The memorial embodies the ideology of the Soviet liberator and aims to pay tribute to their courageous performance during the war. Originally located in the ruins, the memorial is now surrounded by dense forests in the park, with a sculpture colonnade below and a statue of a Soviet soldier at the top, as well as two ML-20 howitzers and two T-34 tanks in front. Slavic letters are inscribed below the sculptures, showing the soldiers’ fighting posture. The park also contains the Soviet military cemetery, where over 7,000 soldiers are buried. The memorial is also the venue for celebrations, and on the Europe Victory Day of May 8th each year, people lay wreaths for the brave heroes who fought for peace.
Soviet War Memorial, Am Treptower Park, 12435 Berlin, Germany
Opening hours
Open 24/7.