Potsdamer Platz, A modern hub of commerce and entertainment

Potsdamer Platz, 10785 Berlin, Germany
The surroundings are all commercial centers


Potsdamer Platz, located near the Brandenburg Gate, used to be the site of Berlin's Potsdam Gate and was once a transportation hub and commercial center. However, World War II and the construction of the Berlin Wall turned it into a desolate area, even filled with landmines. After the reunification of Germany, efforts were made to rebuild and develop the area, and it has now become a modern commercial center with high-rise buildings and bustling traffic. These buildings are adorned with prominent logos, showcasing their commercial status. The Sony Center, with its large dome, houses various cafes, restaurants, and cinemas, making it a popular destination for tourists, as well as providing free WIFI hotspots. Additionally, on the 24th and 25th floors of the 103-meter-high Kollhoff Tower (next to the PWC building), there is an observation deck offering views of Potsdamer Platz and the surrounding area. Furthermore, remnants of the Berlin Wall and ground markings are preserved here, serving as witnesses to history.

Must-go rating

Worth going


Bus transportation
Translation: Others
Potsdamer Platz, 10785 Berlin, Germany

Light rail/subway: S1/S2/S25/U2 lines, Potsdamer Platz station.
Bus: 200/M41/M48 routes, Potsdamer Platz station.