Wawel Castle, A Royal Palace of Polish History and Art

Wawel 5, 31-000 Krakow
The church in the castle is definitely worth a visit


Wawel Castle is one of the oldest palaces in Polish history, located near the center of Krakow. Since the 10th century, it has served as a residence for kings, and many coronations have taken place here. In 2010, after the death of Poland's former president and his wife in a plane crash, their coffins were placed in the castle's underground chapel. This coffin is the only one allowed to be photographed. The castle consists of several separate attractions, including the State Rooms, the Royal Private Apartments, the Crown Treasury and Armory, the Oriental Art, the Lost Wawel, the Dragon's Den, and the Sandomierska Tower. Each attraction offers different tour routes, and separate tickets need to be purchased. Visitors are advised to check the official website in advance to confirm the opening hours of each attraction.
Wawel 5, 31-000 Krakow
Opening hours
The opening hours of various attractions vary slightly, and visitors need to purchase tickets separately. Tourists need to check in advance on the official website.